Formación en rede

Online tutored courses

Tagen Ata's online tutored courses

Cursos online con titorización

We adapt to you to clear up any doubts about the course you choose. Our courses are designed to conform to your times, spaces and rhythms.

We offer a personalized tutoring so you know that there is always someone there.

On this website you will be able to access all the information you need about registrations, calls, plans and more.

People who participate in our programs often arrive individually but also collectively. Some of the common customers of Tagen Ata's online training are:

Associations of social economy such as UGACOTA, AESGAL, UCOERM, COCETA...

Universities such as UDC or UdeVigo.

Town councils and Council Associations such as the one of Narón and Ferrol, or the Vigo and Pontevedra one.

Groups related to social economy, free software, and cooperatives: Agasol, Aesgal, etc.

But there are many other organizations and users. And you? Would you like to take part in our courses?

Cursos de lingua

Cursos economía social